Saturday, April 23, 2005


Fort Huachuca

Ft. Huachuca was established in 1877 when Captain Whiteside led his 6th Cavalry unit into Southern Arizona to establish a temporary post in the foothills of the Huachuca Mountains.

Fort Huachuca was destined to play a major role in the history of the American West.

In 1877, Ft. Huachuca's purpose was to protect the settlers and major transpotation routes from the Apache Indians.  The Apache were considered to be the most skilled guerilla war fighters in the world.

"The Buffalo Soldiers"

Ft. Huachuca was home for the Buffalo Soldiers from 1877 through the Korean War.  Many Buffalo Soldiers won the United States highest military honors for bravery in combat.

Ft. Huachuca, 75 miles southeast of Tuscon, Arizona, covers 73,000 acres of land from the Huachuca Mountains to the San Pedro River.

Today, Ft. Huachuca is a major communications and intelligence center for the military.
Fort Huachuca
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